PSG Officializes Departure from Parc des Princes, New Stadium Launched

Axel C.

According to Le Parisien, PSG has officially announced its decision to leave the Parc des Princes to local officials and Île-de-France authorities.

PSG and the Parc des Princes will indeed be parting ways in the years to come. According to Le Parisien, the club has sent a letter to the head of the Île-de-France regional planning inquiry commission, with the aim of finding a site to build a new stadium. Thus, departing from the Parc.

« This letter, dated March 11 and of which Le Parisien has become aware, confirms that PSG is accelerating on the subject by exploring all avenues for the construction of a new stadium within a radius of 20 km from the capital. Signed by PSG’s Secretary General, Victoriano Melero, it is addressed to Jean-Pierre Chaulet, President of the Environmental Master Plan Inquiry Commission of the Île-de-France region (SDRIF-E), » explains Le Parisien.

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In this letter, PSG requests to « designate within the SDRIF-E a 50-hectare area capable of accommodating the construction of a stadium commensurate with PSG’s XXL ambitions. In form, a pink dot symbolizing this area will be marked on the general destination map of the various parts of the territory (CDGT). The final adoption of this SDRIF-E by regional elected officials will take place this summer, before being submitted lastly for approval by the Council of State, » Le Parisien explains.

The ideal location remains to be found. Not too far from Paris, with space. Several municipalities in Île-de-France have more or less seriously applied. Some even more than 100 km from Paris, like Chateaudun. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, a historic city for PSG, is not applying.

But more seriously, Montigny-le-Bretonneux (Yvelines), near the PSG Campus, Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) are considered. But also Gonesse (Val-d’Oise), near Roissy. Not necessarily glamorous, but PSG is looking for a very large plot of land…

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