PSG Leads in the Standings of the Stadium Championship


PSG is leading Ligue 1 in the game, but not only on the field. The LFP also compiles a ranking of the stadiums. And PSG is leading there as well.

At mid-season, Paris Saint-Germain occupies the first place in the ranking of the Ligue 1 Stadium Championship. For this 2023-2024 edition, the rules of the Stadium Championship have undergone some changes compared to the previous season. Clubs can now accumulate a maximum of 38 points in home matches and 3 points in away matches.

The scoring is based on five criteria, involving both clubs, supporters, LFP delegates, and match broadcasters:

1. Home loyalty (0 to 6 points with up to 4 bonus points)
2. Away loyalty (0 to 3 points)
3. Club and supporter animations (0 to 14 points with up to 6 bonus points)
4. Atmosphere in the stadium (0 to 8 points)
5. Influence and engagement of supporters on social networks (in Ligue 1)

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