Kylian Mbappé wore the captain’s armband for PSG on Sunday against Rennes. Substituted in the 64th minute, he threw away his captain’s armband to a teammate.
The image has gone viral on social media, and for good reason. Kylian Mbappé was replaced in the 64th minute of the match against Rennes, with PSG trailing 0-1, by Gonçalo Ramos. It was a bold choice by Luis Enrique that surprised everyone, including the player himself.
Frustrated, annoyed, or both, Kylian Mbappé, who was acting as captain due to Marquinhos’ absence, did not directly hand over the armband to Danilo but rather threw it to Vitinha, who was closer on the field.
This gesture has inevitably sparked reactions, with some considering it a clear lack of respect towards his teammates.