On Thursday night, Kylian Mbappé celebrated his 25th birthday with his family, including his brother Ethan and his mother, Fayza Lamari. Also, some former PSG teammates joined the celebration, including Achraf Hakimi, Marco Verratti, and even Sergio Ramos over the phone.
« You are missed, » he wrote on social media. « Dad, we miss you, » Kylian Mbappé replied.
The celebration included a little basketball, a birthday cake, and candles to mark the 25th birthday.
Kylian Mbappé is taking a week-long vacation before returning to training on December 29. Paris will resume competition on January 3 with the Trophée des Champions against Toulouse at 8:45 pm at Parc des Princes. Four days later, Luis Enrique’s men will play in the Round of 64 of the French Cup against US Revel (R1), an amateur team.